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High speed, high precision processing technology and equipment of new trend
Date:[2012/5/21 11:29:42]   Review[2561]Time

Efficiency, quality, advanced manufacturing technology is the subject. High speed, high precision machining technology can greatly improve efficiency, improve product quality and grades, to shorten the production cycle and improve market competition ability. Therefore the Japanese advanced technology research can be classified as5large modern manufacturing technologies, International Production Engineering Institute ( CIRP ) which is identified as one of the research directions in the center of twenty-first Century. In the car industry, with an annual output of300000 units of production rhythm is40 seconds / A, and more varieties of processing car equipment is an important problem which should be solved; in aeronautical and aerospace industry, the processing parts for thin wall and a thin band, rigidity is poor, made of aluminum or aluminum alloy, only in the high the cutting speed and the cutting force is small, can these tendons, wall processing. Recently the large integral aluminum alloy blank" tunneling" approach to manufacturing wing, fuselage and other large parts instead of a plurality of parts through a large number of rivets, screws and other connection assembly, so that the components of the strength, stiffness and increased reliability. All of the processing equipment for high-speed, high precision and high flexibility requirements. From the EMO2001exhibition situation, high speed machining center feed speed can reach 80m / min, or even higher, speed can reach 100M / min around. At present, many of the world's car factory in China, including Shanghai GM, have been employed to high speed machining center production line consisting of partial substitution of modular machine tool. The United States of America CINCINNATI company HyperMach machine tool feed speed of60m / min, fast100M / min, acceleration of 2G, spindle speed has reached 60000r / min. Processing of a thin walled aircraft parts, using only30min, while the same parts in high speed milling machine processing required for general3h, in the ordinary milling machine for the German company DMG8h; double spindle lathe spindle speed and acceleration were 121000r / mm and 1G. In the machining accuracy, come nearly 10 years, the general level of the machining accuracy of NC machine tool by10 m to 5m, precision machining center from3 to5 m, increased to 1 ~1.5 m, and ultra precision machining accuracy has begun to enter the nanoscale (0.01 M). In terms of reliability, foreign CNC device MTBF value has reached more than 6 000h, servo system MTBF value can reach more than 30000h, showed very high reliability. In order to realize the high speed, high precision, complete with functional components such as spindle, linear motor has been rapid development, application domain expands further.

A:No news
A:Five axis machining and compound processing machine tool development
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